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COSEE OCEAN Inquiry Group Report: Opportunities for Creating Lifelong Ocean Science Literacy.

Boyle, P., Breslin, V., Brisson, L. C., Fraser, J., Friedman, A. J., Gardner, K., Schoedinger, S., Schubel, J., Uzzo, S. & Yalowitz, S. (2014). COSEE OCEAN Inquiry Group Report: Opportunities for Creating Lifelong Ocean Science Literacy.

This inquiry Group report for the Centers for Ocean Sciences Eeducation Excellence Ocean COmmunities in Education And social Networks (COSEE OCEaN) provides a fresh look at how broader ocean science literacy can be developed, especially through less-recognized channels such as opportunistic learning, the private and “third” sectors, and the enormously varied activities under the heading of informal science education. The 10 authors of this report (see contributors section) have been working together for two years to find and review a range of issues and resources for current and potential ocean science literacy providers, both professional and volunteer.

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