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Connect-to-Connected Worlds: Piloting a Mobile, Data-Driven Reflection Tool for an Open-Ended Exhibit

Mallavarapu, A., Lyons, L., Uzzo, S., Thompson, W., Levy-Cohen, R., & Slattery, B. (2019, May). Connect-to-connected worlds: Piloting a mobile, data-driven reflection tool for an open-ended simulation at a museum. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-14).

Immersive open-ended museum exhibits promote ludic engagement and can be a powerful draw for visitors, but these qualities may also make learning more challenging. We describe our efforts to help visitors engage more deeply with an interactive exhibit's content by giving them access to visualizations of data skimmed from their use of the exhibit. We report on the motivations and challenges in designing this reflective tool, which positions visitors as a "human in the loop" to understand and manage their engagement with the exhibit. We used an iterative design process and qualitative methods to explore how and if visitors could (1) access and (2) comprehend the data visualizations, (3) reflect on their prior engagement with the exhibit, (4)plan their future engagement with the exhibit, and (5) act on their plans. We further discuss the essential design challenges and the opportunities made possible for visitors through data-driven reflection tools.

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